Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dr.Arun Jamkar a failed administrator?

I'm back after a much needed break. In my long absence many juicy but authentic whispering had been doing the rounds in the state government run Sassoon General Hospital.
The high profilic Dr. Arun Jamkar had applied the "Vanishing Cream" and according to whispers in the hospital campus, Dr. Arun Jamkar had gone to the USA on vacation to be with his son. Whether he was accompanied by his wife Maya, is not known, but what is known is that he is on the way back to be in chair by July 5.

Professors, lecturers and doctors at the hospital and the BJ Medical College have the short relief as Dr. Jamkar is not there to trouble them with some "idiotic decisions." Tongue in cheek all whisper as well concur that Dr. Jamkar is a 'failed administrator' who is in the present post solely due to his political connections and being a lackey of the director of DMER. This is his only quality. Doctors in the hospital also vouch and speak in hush tones, that Dr. Jamkar has no professinal abilities.

Well, in a democracy, people have the liberty and freedom to express their opinions. You cannot dare throttle the freedom of the people or curb their expression. That's what demorcracy is all about.

But with a inefficient administrator better referred to as a 'failed administrator' it is the hospital and the institution that suffers, the poor patients suffer, while the political masters who put inefficient administrators are not doing any service to the people.

When we talk of a 'failed administrator' in Dr. Jamkar, there are valid reasons. He has many weaknesses. He does not honor nor is true to his words and committments. He breaks promises and backtracks, more buckles under threats from his subordinates, and in the process reverts his own decisions, putting blame on others for the mess and nuisances which he himself creates and is responsible. He is not firm and upright. And more than benefits the hospital and institution, both have suffered more during his tenure with a Dean "imposed" rather than with a

Dean that is selected on merits, and not on political influence.
It is said that good people that are long remembered bow out of their office in glory, while those with tainted image, depart from their posts in disgrace and are ignored and treated shabbily after retirement. We don't know which choice Dr. Jamkar would make, while he is saddled in his present post not for a long perod - not more than a year for sure.

TAILPIECE; Dr. Jamkar was caught napping, when he did not even knew when the distinguished and affable doctor, the RMO of Sassoon hospital Dr. Dinesh has put in his papers for VRS and when he was to say good bye to the hospital.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dr. Arun Jamakr, is a failed administrator and only wastes his time in playing dirty politics.

And Sassoon is now complete with incompetent administrators both the AO of Sassoon and the CAO are the worst that has been gifted to Sassoon and BJMC to complete the circle of another incompetent Dr. Jamkar.